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  • The use of cell phones and mobile devices, or instant messaging during lab is not allowed. Set your devices to vibrate and refrain from reading incoming messages.
  • Attendance to classes and labs is mandatory. If you have a good reason to be absent, notify the instructor by email in advance, if possible, or as soon as you can, otherwise.
  • Late work will receive grade penalty, unless you have negotiated previously an extension with the instructor. The penalty is 10% for each day late up to three days. Assignments handed in more than three days late earn no credit.
  • Unless explicitly stated, no handwritten work will be accepted. Be professional and tidy with all the written work you turn in.
  • In order to pass this course, you must earn a passing grade on the lab component. Labs account for 40% of the final grade in this course, but if you don’t have a passing average in lab, you cannot pass the course.
  • Academic honesty will be taken very seriously. Don’t claim credit for work that is not your own. Don’t fail to credit the sources that help you complete your work. Don’t falsify data. Cases of misconduct will be reported to the Board of Review on Academic Responsibility.
  • Make sure to read the Department of Computer Science’s Extension to the Academic Responsibility Policy and to abide by its terms.